Wednesday, August 8, 2007

When was the last time...

If you have noticed me doing something unusual these days then that’s probably because I was trying to find an answer for "when was the last time i did something for the first time!?" :)

This question kept me doing some weird things for quite some time now, but nothing of what I did give me a convincing answer. it was that evening when I was coming out of Carrefour doing some shopping that Mr. Anil Kumar called me and asked, whether I could be the Toastmaster of the evening for a joint meeting? well, it was this kind of opportunity that could be a good answer for which I was looking for from a long time.hesitantly I replied, that’s a difficult job, i am not sure if I will be able to deliver my best, but I will take it up if you people are helping me. Well, that was the starting point of doing "something for the first time".

TM Chandresh was co-toastmaster of the evening and we both started preparing the script and PowerPoint presentation based on the theme for the meeting - "Learning by Sharing". The whole process starting from contacting the role players, preparing their intros, deciding who will do what, rehearsals and everything else...till the end of meeting, was a unique and completely a learning by sharing experience. At the end of the meeting i felt that this evening I found a convincing answer to the question "when was the last time i did something for the first time!?"


Below are the slides that we shared during our learning process.

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